Tuesday, May 6, 2014

This is a text about our wonderful trip in Slovenia , Koper for days Sunday and Monday !


                                                    OUT TRIP IN SLOVENIA , KOPER
                                                              DAY : SUNDAY 

Sunday was the last day of our trip to Slovenia,Koper so we needed to have a lot of fun ! All of the students had to wake up at 8.30 in the morning because we had breakfast at 9.00 . After breakfast he had a few free time untill 10.00 . At 10.00 the sports games started ! The first of our games was Hokey . The most of the students didn't know how to play this game so all of us had our first experiance of Hokey so we had a lot of fun . The winner of Hokey game was Slovakia  . The second and the last game of sports games was football but in a small field . All of the students knew hot to play football but the country which did best was Greece which won all of the football games ! But the winner of all the countries was Slovakia which had the most time playing both of the games !  After the sports games we had to say goodbye to our friends from Norway . After the goodbyes we had a little free time and then we had our last lunch in Pacug . After our lunch we had a great walk to  Strunjan and the nature park of Strunjan . We went there by a long and a beautiful path ! We saw a lot of beautiful and strange plants and we had a lot of fun . Then we went to a beutiful beach ! There we had a competition ! Every country chose a student and the student had to make a rock jump a lot of times over the water . The country which won was Slovakia ! After our beautiful walk we went back from a beutiful path . We had a beutiful view to the beach but it was a bit risky . Αnyway the way back was great and we reached to Pacug at 17.00 . From 17.00 till 18.00 we had free time ! After our free time we had each country had to present a Comenius song about our trip in Slovenia . Each country presented its own song . The teachers of all the countries presented their own song too ! After the song  presentations the teachers of all of the countries said to us goodbye and we were really unhappy . But the night of our last day in Slovenia wasn't over ! We were sad but we had to enjoy our last ours in Slovenia ! So we had a lt of walks in Pacug and a lot of fun too ! But our time past quickly . All of the students couldn't sleep because nobody wanted to leave . On Monday we ( Greeks ) had to wake up at 6.00 because we had breakfast at 6.30 . But we were really upset that we coudn't eat . The time passed and at 7.00 our bus for Trieste Airpost reached Pacug . A lot of friends from almost all the countries were there to say goodbye to us ! Most of thee students coundnt believe that they woun't see us again so they cried a lot ! We got into the bus and we left Pacug being really upset and unhappy ! But we were happy too because we will see again some of Comenius students !


  1. Hello Greek friends! We really like your blog, its interesting. We like your images from homework about manipulating. We laughed a lot. It was educational and entertaining. However, we are looking to new things.. stay active :)

  2. Hello Matúš ! Thank you very much about your positive comment ! Be sure that we will upload more things and we'll be more active :)

  3. Hello

    We really like your blog., It's interesting and informative. We like this post the most because the students who didn't go to slovenia still have an image of how it was.

    Keep up the good work

    MAGIC 3 The Netherlands ( http://magic3nl.tumblr.com/ )
