Tuesday, February 18, 2014


My Advertisement!!!!!

This advertisement is about a man who is in the desert and he can surf on the internet. The message that the advertisement wants to say, is that we can surf at the internet whenever, wherever and with any appliance we want (laptop, tablet, smartphone). What this advertisement wants to achieve is to stay on the minds of consumers and to promote the message that this service offers the best product in the market, thus achieving that people should chose it. This advertisement addresses all ages. The advertisement was created with an online program!

My brochure

This is a brochure I created to present some facts about chocolate...Please enjoy... ;)

Monday, February 10, 2014

Social Networking Questionnaire filled out by both students and teachers

This is a questionnaire which I made by using youtube . My friend Jim an also Comenius guy from Greece helped me witj the edit. No more comments just click on the video and find out the results.

Saturday, February 8, 2014

Manipulating images!

The first original image:

The second original image:

And the third...

So here I created an image by joining two defferent images.To make this join I use "pixton". The photos that I use was taken from our wonderful trip to Amsterdam!!!

Monday, February 3, 2014

Manipulating images

These are some pictures from our trip to The Netherlands. The first picture is from the Efteling park and the second picture is from the youth hostel where we were living. The manipulated picture shows the teachers from Greece and Spain who instead of entering the  Efteling park they seem entering  the youth hostel where we were living in this time ! This realistic picture was designed using a programm called Gimp and it 's working almost the same way  Photoshop does !

First original image :

 Second original image:

And the third manipulated image:

Image manipulation

The first photo was taken at the large corridor at the Stayokay hotel at Amsterdam. Tom from Netherlands had me lifted on his shoulders and started a ride arround... Then one Comenius guy decided to take a picture os us two.

In the second one, Puck and Janneke ,both from Netherlands, took a hugging pose at the entrance of the Stayokay hotel in order to let me take a memorable picture of these two.

And the manipulated ones :
The first one with extraordinary sizes showing Tom , Puck, Janneke and me in the entrance of Stayokay hotel.Although  the second one containing the same content is manipulated with normal sizes this time.

(Those manipulations were created using GIMP)

Safer internet

I choose this  advertising because it says the  young children  doesn't ask their parents about  some things  in the Internet .